Server 0 forum.
Press Edit and click options and messages
Then press Client and click "Macros"
Press New Macro Button
Type for e.g ( Key: "C" Command: "Clan-Message" as on screen below) and mark ALT
If you didn't mess that should be outcome
List of Basic Macros:
Command: Clan-Message
Command: Spar
Command: eat senzu-bean
Command: create-senzu (only if you have senzu generator)
Command: Get (Dragon-Balls/Fruits in Hell/Halloween Candies)
Command: Close (Closes the clan wars doors)
Command: Open (Opens the clan wars doors)
Command: Repair (Repairing walls on clan wars)
Command: .ping (checking the latency between server and client)
Command: Scout (fast sense only if you have scouter)
Command: Collect (Geting Black/White Star Dragon Balls)
Advanced Macros:
*You must have your skills tab always active in order to use advanced macros
Command: .dblclick Super-Ghost-Kamikaze-Attack (Changes skill to Ghosts)
Command: .dblclick Ki-Shield\nUseSkill (Changes and uses Ki-Shield Skill)
Command: .dblclick Split-Form\nUseSkill (Split forms)
Command: .dblclick Ultimate-Power\nUseSkill (Ultimate Power)
Command: .dblclick Revert\nUseSkill (Revert)
It's up to you what key you will set for those.
Note: If you want to make your own advanced macros (e.g .dblclick Ki-Blast) and you want 2 commands on 1 button you must add "\n" after the first command then type the second command -> .dblclick Ki-Blast\nUseSkill.
Have fun.