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#1 2011-03-24 14:12:26



Registered: 2011-03-21
Posts: 13
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How to do Clan Wars.


1. Go to the options tab -> press "toggle tabs" -> click on server tab and turn it on

2. Clan Wars always starts at HH:00:00 (always look at the up time not Time zone).

3. You got 3 minutes to register  and the war is for 10 minutes. If you got Subscription you can use (late subscriber entry).

4. There are always 4 flags on top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right corners.

5. You need to stay atleast 30 seconds by them to capture. More people by flag = counter goes faster.

Those are basics informations you should know.


1. Never stay exactly by flag. Always stay like that:

Your opponent may not notice that you're capturing flag and it makes harder to kill you.

2. Always run arround if you're 1on1 with stronger opponent. If you fail to capture the flag try your luck on other flag. If you're alone don't go back to the flag you just died it's meaningless.

3. If there are more of your clan members on clan wars call them to your location. You can capture the flag if there are 2 of you but you must last for atleast 15secs to capture a flag.

4. Make sure that your Passive Skills are at max level:


Well those should be fully upgraded.

5. Always have your after image turned on but also don't forget to turn it off after CW's. Cause it may mess up your training.


1. How to avoid Ghosts/Ki-Blasts/Splits

The best to use with advanced macros.

a) defending from ghosts: Use Ki-Shield, Stay at the door and close it while standing on them, repairing walls, spamming splits, setting your teleport dodge effect to none then stack them at your char by pressing T)
b) defending from ki blasts: Ki-Shield + After image. Work on your movement make it unexpected. Cause advanced players know that you'll move like ^ -> v <- like clock arrows. So they can aim you easily.
c) defending from split forms: (Requires good movement) You must bring your opponent splits out of his sight so they'll dissappear or using solar flare on them which is  even more risky. There's no good solution for avoiding splits. They're hardest to avoid. The best is to do nothing about them and run arround if you're weaker.

The most risky moves:

*Avoiding ghosts by closing doors -> If you stay at closed doors you also make yourself an easy target to kill it takes a while to switch skills from ghosts to ki-blast he shoots at the doors and kaputt. So you can't go sleep while doing that.

*Avoiding ghosts by setting teleport dodge to none -> Same as above.

2. Defending the flag 1on1

If you captured a flag and there's stronger guy that wants to take it back. Don't show yourself. Go hide for like 15secs then show up and reset his counter and go hide again =P.

3. Scouting

Scouting is the most useful thing if you're on stronger side. I'll tell you on my example -> Open notepad -> Copy/paste everyone from other clans to it -> Scout them during cw's if you don't know where they are -> (locations like 50,50 50,70 60,70 means that they are at bottom left), locations (like 110,40 to 160,70 bottom right), (150,150 etc. top right), (50, 150 top left).

Hope this helped you a little bit to deal with high lvls cocky brats .



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